oh delightful delightful oxford

started the new academic year off with a big bang - when i received my reading list for international relations. a 3 page reading list for my first essay, 3 pages chock full of font-size 12 book titles, without reference to any specific chapters or pages in the book. 8 essays, 1 for each week, odd weeks i have a 3 page reading list, even weeks i have a one-and-a-half page reading list. how sweet of my tutor to take into account the fact that we have to sleep sometime. i know i have complained enough, but gosh, i will be happiest (so far) when i submit this essay, regardless of whether she thinks it's absolute crap.

i couldn't stand readingandreadingandreading in the library and in my room, so i went to my college library to - no prizes for guessing what i did - borrow more books! this time for economics. my college library has a really quaint index card system to find books, and i thought i've finally mastered the system. well i did, but not the system of shelving, as it turns out. i found 2 of the 4 books i needed, and was looking all around for the other 2 books. one of the books was M35 something, but the shelf went up to M28, and the next shelf i could find started with M36. convinced there was something wrong with squinting (M36 was the top of a wall-to-ceiling bookshelf). also couldn't find this book which was M0.5 ish (could only see M10)so i checked the index cards again. well i did get the right details, so, back to the economics section i went. after a few minutes of futile searching i decided that people must have taken the books out.

and then a stroke of brilliance strikes. seriously i kid you not, the idea that there could be other shelves of economics books struck me. i am happy to report, i was right, the other shelf was behind me (yes stop laughing already) and other shelves were joining the shelves i was looking at in an L-shape. i saw many many books, and 4 enormous tomes, the largest of the hundred odd books i've seen so far, so large that it was sticking out of the shelf. i prayed that that wasn't the book i needed, and as luck would have it, it was.

the sight of a girl clad in an oversized polo tee shirt, track pants and slippers, hugging 4 big books that nearly slipped out of her hands, must have been quite pathetic. at least i definitely felt pathetic, looking at the beautiful roof detail characteristic of my college, looking at the building i am living in and seeing only 1 lighted window - my own.

i got in by mistake, can i go home now?


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