
i'm revising for my collections now, madly revising actually, but i just had to blog. looking through my econs essays, i find it puzzling/annoying how it is that an 'a' level standard essay warranted a "this was very good" at the end of it. it was less than an 'a' level essay really, it was all dealing with a very simple supply and demand concept. basically, the essay was regarding how uncertainty about the causes and effects of pollution may affect policy outcomes. well quite clearly if you're a policymaker and am not certain about the costs or the effects, the target quantity is going to be different from the hypothetical optimal quantity, unless of course you are a hopelessly lucky individual. that essentially was my answer. how that warrants a "this was very good" i have absolutely no idea. the only thing i did that was mildly interesting in that essay was examining very vaguely in a teeny paragraph how the policymaker's expectation of more information in future may affect her policy decisions, but that was again down to whether the policy maker was "environmentally conscious" or not. it's something so obvious, gosh, as i wrote the essay i was half ashamed of handing it in, but due to the time constraint (i wrote the entire essay in 2 hours i believe) i just did anyway. and this is the result.

and as i scratch my head incessantly i wonder why.

oh and one more thing. doing politics makes you very politically correct, and hence i used her instead of him. in just a couple of months i've reverted from using him to one to her. such that when i read someone writing about a person and referring to a him (political writers anyway, not economists) i think, chauvinist. of course you're quite right in thinking i've become a little feminist, and i'm surprised myself as well. but i still am very happy not learning any technical things, especially about computers, choosing instead to ask (wail) for abiel's help every time something crops up. i was (and still am) very proud that i manage to install my printer all by myself the first time i came, and fix a light bulb in my room when the old one fused. speaking of light bulbs tracy and i were changing one in my room last term, and for the lives of the both of us the bulb refused to stay in its socket. how many oxford students does it take to change a light bulb eh. (none, apparently. for the record i got the maintenance people to do it for me)

and of course, how could i forget that zk had to teach me how to use a can opener because i broke the tab ring of the canned tuna i bought. he actually had to web cam and show it to me, else i would starve. and how when i first used a cockscrew i used it the wrong way round and wondered why the damn thing wouldn't work.

and now of course i should go back to work. i feel like a bushman (bushwoman) in the middle of london or something.


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