some things that can cause heartbreak

1) getting this =) because every time i look at the bag my heart breaks cuz it is very pretty. seriously.

2) hearing my tutor say "i very rarely give excellents, so do not be disheartened if you get a good"

3) when two very, very cute guys kiss. (this is tracy's contribution, not mine. she witnessed it. and guys, nope, girls do not have gay fantasies. no girl wishes another guy to be competition.)

4) when abiel tells me, "but curling is so exciting! it's such a fun game!" for the record, curling is a game in which grown men scrub floors in order to get a heavy lead-like looking ball to the end of the strip. i think housewives appreciate the recognition. it is actually even more boring than some lectures i attend. to think i so naively thought there could be no contest.

5) when my other tutor says "actually, your essays should be due in at 9am". really? even when i have another one due at noon the very same day?

6) seeing gorgeous sunglasses from dior but not being able to afford them. -huff-

7) actually having the gall to post such a bimbotic post. had to whine, somewhere! -looks skywards and whistles-


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