in a real twist of the story, IE singapore just called me for my interview 2 days later. i wonder it's cuz i'm interning at IE that they extended this courtesy. from what i've heard, the final interviews were to be held last thursday and friday.
on the plus side, the HR manager did not call my office number, but my handphone number. though the first thing she asked was if i was still interning at IE. i'm mystified. imagine someone calling you when you're deep in thought about indonesia's infrastructure and seaport system (written, happily, in english) and be brought back to reality.
on the minus side, i'm all set and happy to go to SMU. my parents and relatives in particular are much much happier at the prospect of me staying (they'll miss me too much...hahah!!!)
on the balanced side (don't know how else to call it), it's just an interview. i may not get the scholarship, so i'm worrying about nothing at all. treat it as 2 hours off work? (i wonder f i have to take no pay leave for this...hurhur). the HR manager happily mentioned, "oh, you'll know where the interview is. 10 floor" yup, thanks i'm so acquainted with the IE system already -bows-
am i supposed to be glad i haven't rejected oxford yet?
oh whatever. back to indonesia and her logistics infrastructure. i've got work to do.