gymming running and such

i've always wanted to blog about gymming. it's weird, i know, and i'm not going to list the exercises i do, the timings i run or anything. just some quirks that happen in the gym. =)

i go for this class called bodypump, which i love -- surprising since i don't like weight training and this class is all about weights. basically at the end of 50mins, you're really quite tired. this is when good music is important. the abs tracks are always very motivational - the instructor's favourite is 'don't cha'. so basically while you crunch away (and wonder why you subject yourself to this torture - i especially hate super-slow) you remember why you're doing this..."don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me". (the class, incidentally is almost entirely female)

and there're some songs that i can never listen to without cringing again. black eyed peas 'pump it' is a hard bicep track. one of my most favourite songs, dj sammy's 'boys of heaven' is a back track. phantom planet's 'california' is a killer tricep track. =S if they start using the killers i might have no use for my speakers!

there're a number of instructors who teach bodypump, i like the female instructor, andrea. if, however, you have a death wish, you might want to go for the classes conducted by the male instructor (jeremy?) instead. i am not kidding. or even go for his circuit training classes! what can happen to me in an hour, you ask. well, to put it simply, he comes in with a huge smile in his face and goes, "now guys, are you ready to ssssuuufffeerrrr? you know you want it!" and here i am, probably the only weirdo in the group who goes "no?"

oh and running. don't even get me started. i am aiming to run the army half marathon this time, and the standard chartered marathon after that. this was what i found on the standchart website.

right. i will tell myself that when i am running in the snow.


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