prom pics

yes, i know this is very overdue. it kinda slipped out of my mind =D but still, if anyone's interested, click here.

meanwhile, most of the army boys have gone! gosh, one never misses all the corny jokes and the burps etc etc until one doesn't experience them, man. i wonder how they'll look like when they come out, shaved heads tanned bods and all. hopefully more mature too. =P but well, i'll keep my fingers crossed.

job's harder than i thought! kids can be so hard to handle, especially when they've decided you're winnie-the-pooh/rabbit/cute/chubby cheeks and take it to their heads to hug and kiss you indiscriminately. that isn't half so bad, the worse part is when they don't listen to you and want to play all day long (which of course, cannot be allowed). sigh. i may have to pick up proper cooking skills as well. haha. i guess the worst part has to be having to wake up at 6am everyday except on sundays. gosh, that takes a lot out of me. but i shouldn't be bitching, i've got quite a nice job and kids =)

still, i'm counting down the days to haji, then cny. those days, i can finally sleep in..=D


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